
// usage
chance.color({format: 'hex'})
chance.color({grayscale: true})
chance.color({casing: 'upper'})

Return a random color.

=> '#79c157'

Colors have four base types: hex, shorthex, rgb, 0x

These are the kinds usable in HTML or CSS. The type can optionally be specified

chance.color({format: 'hex'})
=> '#d67118'

chance.color({format: 'shorthex'})
=> '#60f'

chance.color({format: 'rgb'})
=> 'rgb(110,52,164)'

chance.color({format: '0x'})
=> '0x67ae0b'

Can optionally specify that only grayscale colors be generated

chance.color({grayscale: true})
=> '#e2e2e2'

Optionally specify casing to get only uppercase letters in the color

chance.color({casing: 'upper'})
=> '#29CFA7'